Sunday 11 November 2012

I'll be idle in my ideals, think of nothing else but "i"

(I've decided to title each blog post based on what I'm listening to -- unless it's something particularly important or something, then I'll title it properly.)

So, I watched SLC Punk a month or so ago and I have been absolutely obsessed ever since, honestly. I just love that movie. Combined with my mohawk-sporting boyfriend, I think I'm becoming a little infatuated with the punk trend.

Plus, Matthew Lillard is one of those actors that isn't conventionally handsome, but you still find him attractive in movies because of the things he does and the way he acts. He's just adorable, come on.

And since we're on the topic of Matthew Lillard, here are some pictures of him being a crazy psychopath in Scream. Mmmhmm, I do love me a crazy psychopath. 

So yeah. 
Ended up a little off topic there, but whatever. It's my party, I'll ramble if I want to. 

Title Song: Small Hands - Keaton Henson.

Later days.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Something I find a little funny

I have absolutely no page views from Canada, despite being Canadian. I'm based on the East Coast of Canada, yet all my pageviews are either from the US or Germany (mind you only 2 from Germany, but still. It's worth noting).

Maybe I just find this funny because I'm watching Arrested Development, and everything is funny when I watch arrested development.

On a side note: My father has informed me that I won too many shoes and that I have to get rid of some. I think today will be a sad, sad day indeed.

I am in love

With these journals from indigo/chapters. Seriously, have you seen these things?

It's beautiful, honestly. I love the fact that it looks like it's made of metal. Though, in all fairness, it is really just a coat of raised metallic paint. Still beautiful, nonetheless. I love the effect. The clasps are great too. 

The leather bound ones are lovely too, as you can see. These are both definitely going on my Christmas List this year. 

Androgynous Now

I finally trimmed up my shaggy mop top mess of hair (which you've never seen before, thankfully). 
Did I ever tell you that I'm in love with my new hair stylist? I got switched to this new girl since my usual stylist is off until next week, but I actually love my replacement. Her favorite movie is Fight Club, and her dog's name is Tyler Durden (funny, because it's a chinese fighting dog). She also liked the Avengers, as did I,  and has a really cool sleeve (in the tattoo sense, I mean.) She's just so cool, and I like her a lot more than my last stylist.

I kind of look like a boy, but that's perfectly alright. Androgyny is a good look on me, I find.

On another note, I'm thinking I should get my ears pierced now that you can finally see them. I might even stretch them, just a little, because I don't know about you but I think spacers are like, the coolest freaking things ever. 

(I also really hope you picked up on the joke in the title. Androgynous Now, Apocalypse Now? No? Ok...)

Sunday 28 October 2012

movie recommendations

I meant to make this post a while ago6), but never got around to it. I just wanted to recommend some fantastic movies to check out/read up on/watch. I'm kind of a movie buff, and I have watched some fantastic movies. Here are just a few of the great ones I watched this year. A lot of them should be available on netflix, in canada at least.

  • SLC Punk (1998)
  • Chatroom (2010)
  • Sidewalls (2011)
  • Seven Psychopaths (2012 - Just released in theaters recently, actually! ) 
  • Savages (2012,  as a side note, I actually recommend the book a lot more) 
  • Paranorman (2012)
  • Frankenweenie (2012, Tim Burton is a genius)
  • The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
  • The Bang Bang Club (2010) 
  • Senior Skip Day (2008 - ferris bueller fans will like this one)
  • Leslie, My Name is Evil (2009, interesting as hell)
  • Burning Palms (2010 - Very dark, very intriguing. 5 stories in one as well!)
  • Cashback (2006)
  • The Beautiful Person / La Belle Personne (2008, french film)
  • I Killed My Mother / J'ai Tue Ma Mere (2009, french film)
  • Never Let Me Go (2010, this one will most likely make you cry for a very long time)
  • Beware the Gonzo (2010)
  • We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
  • Hard Candy (2005)
  • Student Bodies (1981 - a great, ridiculous parody for horror/slasher fans)
And that's all I have for now! I'll make another list later on down the road, probably. I'm always watching and finding more movies. I'd recommend things like Ferris Bueller, The Breakfast Club, The Avengers, and The Hunger Games, but I mean... Everybody who hasn't been living under a rock knows what those movies are. Not everybody has seen them, of course (I only saw the breakfast club over the summer), but everybody has heard of them. I do still recommend them of course. Especially The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The Avengers was fantastic too, although superhero movies aren't for everyone. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

On High Fashion

I can't possibly be the only one who sees how inconsistent the high fashion world is. Some pieces are manic and virtually unwearable, while others are actually practical and stylish and appear to be comfortable to wear (as I, personally, feel they should be, however that's just my opinion)

For example, you might see an outfit  like this strutting down the catwalk:

And let me make this double clear: I'm not talking about the lady, I'm talking about the clothes themselves, and this is just my personal opinion. It's just so pink and frilly and sparkly.. I honestly cannot picture someone wearing that in real life. And I feel like fashion, high or not, should at least make sense. You should be able to wear it in the real world, right? 

All I'm asking for, honestly, is somewhat of an inbetween. Let your designs reflect you, and be creative and trend-setting, or whatever you like to do, and don't make things too normal. Any old local clothing store can do that. Go wild, sure, but know when to be tame. I want to see something in the fashion world that dares to be normal, but in the most vibrant, explosive, in-your-face way, if that makes any sense at all... 

Monday 22 October 2012

I just got really pretentious

So.. I started a blog. Yep. Not something I ever thought I'd actually do, one of those superficial, pretentious blogs wherein the writer thinks people actually care enough about their life to read it. I used to a long time ago, until I started to realize the above statement and I was like, "oh, man, I better stop." So I did.

But then I did it anyway. Don't worry, I won't give anyone my life story or anything boring like that. I'll try and keep my posts as relevant to the real world as possible, partly by understanding that my world is not the real world, if that makes any sense without making me sound like a psychopathic schizophrenic maniac.